Child Protection
Ballyshannon National School Child Protection Policy
This document is a response to recent changes in legislation and takes account of the provisions of each of the following pieces of legislation
The revised procedures replace the 2017 procedures and take account of the Children First Act, 2015 and the “Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children” published by the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs in 2017 (hereinafter referred to as “Children First National Guidance 2017”), the Addendum to Children First (2019), General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Child Protection and Safeguarding Procedures for Boarding Facilities associated with Recognised Schools 2023 and the Teaching Council (Information to be Furnished by Employer in Case of Dismissal or Resignation of Registered Teacher) Regulations 2023 and the revised procedures in Circular Number 0036/2023.
Copies of the following guidelines are available in the school and it is the responsibility of all staff to familiarise themselves with the guidelines.
Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools 2017 (Department of Education & Skills 2017)
Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2017 (Department of Children and Youth Affairs)
Chapter 2 Definition & Recognition of Child Abuse
Chapter 3 Basis for Reporting & Standard Reporting Procedures
Appendix 1 Signs and Symptoms of Child Abuse
The new procedures are based on the recently published Children First – National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2017, and Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools (Dept of Education & Skills, 2017)
∙ Children First (Dept of Children and Youth Affairs 2017)
∙ Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools (Dept of Education & Skills, 2017).
The Board of Management of Ballyshannon National School has adopted the revised procedures in Circular Number 0036/2023 file:///C:/Users/bally/Downloads/268555_4e7ca96f-558b-4b21-9234-56afa127b5d5.pdf and Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2017 (Department of Children and Youth Affairs) and the Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools 2017 (Department of Education & Skills 2017). The school aims to provide its pupils with the highest standards of care and protection, in order to promote each child’s well-being and safeguard him/her from harm while in the school.
The Board of Management recognises that child protection and welfare considerations permeate all aspects of school life and must be reflected in all of the school’s policies, practices and activities. Therefore, in accordance with the requirements of the Department of Education and Skills, Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools, the Board of Management of Ballyshannon National School has agreed the following child protection policy.
The Board of Management has adopted and will implement fully and without modification the Department’s Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools as part of this overall child protection policy. It was updated and ratified at a meeting of the Board of Management in September 2023.
Child Protection Policy
∙ Ballyshannon National School has an obligation to provide pupils with the highest possible standard of care in order to promote their well-being and protect them from harm. School personnel are especially well placed to observe changes in behaviour, failure to develop or outward signs of abuse in children.
∙ Mindful of this primary duty of care, The Board of Management of Ballyshannon National School, Kilcullen fully endorses “Children First 2017: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children”, the designated guidelines for the protection and welfare of children issued by the Department of Health and Children, September 1999 and “Child Protection Guidelines and Procedures” issued by the Department of Education and Science in April 2001.
∙ The B.O.M. nominated and appointed Lorraine McGovern as the Designated Liaison Person (DLP) to act as a liaison with outside agencies such as H.S.E./Gardai and as a resource person to any staff having child protection concerns.
∙ In the absence of Lorraine McGovern, Lisa Sullivan will act as Deputy DLP.
Definition of Child Abuse:
Child Abuse can be categorised into four different types: neglect, emotional abuse, physical abuse and sexual abuse.
Neglect: can be defined in terms of an omission, where the child suffers significant harm or impairment of development by being deprived of food, clothing, warmth, hygiene, intellectual stimulation, supervision and safety, attachment to and affection from adults, medical care. Neglect generally becomes apparent in different ways over a period of time rather than at one specific moment. Staff must inform the DLP if he/she is concerned or suspicious that a child is being neglected.
Emotional Abuse: occurs when a child’s need for affection, approval, consistency and security are not met. Emotional abuse can be manifested in terms of the child’s behavioural, cognitive, affective or physical functioning. A child may be affected by an event in his/her life and staff must inform the DLP if he/she is concerned or suspicious that a child's emotional needs are being neglected.
Physical Abuse: is any form of non-accidental injury or injury which results from wilful or neglectful failure to protect a child. Staff must inform the DLP if he/she is concerned or suspicious that a child may have been physically abused.
Sexual Abuse: occurs when a child is used by another person for his/her gratification or sexual arousal or for that of others. Staff must inform the DLP if he/she is concerned or suspicious that a child may have been sexually abused.
Basis for Reporting to a Health Board
A health board should always be informed when a person has reasonable grounds for concern that a child may have been abused, or is being abused, or is at risk of abuse. With regard to emotional abuse and/or physical neglect, consistent indication, over a period of time that a child is suffering from emotional neglect or physical neglect would constitute reasonable grounds for concern.
Procedures in dealing with a disclosure/suspicion from a child/third party:
∙ Teachers who suspect child abuse/neglect should report their concerns to the DLP at the first instance and carefully record their observations over a period of time.
∙ Disclosures of Child Abuse/neglect from a third party will be reported to the DLP. If a third party starts to tell a teacher about an alleged child abuse incident the teacher will ask them to speak to the DLP. If the person does not inform the DLP the teacher will do so.
∙ Where a child discloses alleged abuse/neglect to a staff member, the person receiving that information should listen carefully and supportively. IT IS NOT THE ROLE OF ANY STAFF MEMBER OR DLP TO INVESTIGATE AN INCIDENT/ALLEGATION/SUSPICION. HIS/HER ROLE IS TO LISTEN AND RECORD INFORMATION. Great care must be taken not to abuse the child’s trust. This should not be a formal interview.
1. Listen to the child
2. Do not ask leading questions or make suggestions to the child
3. Offer reassurance but do not make promises
4. Do not stop a child recalling significant events
5. Do not over-react
6. Confidentiality should be assured – explain that further help may have to be sought.
7. Record the discussion accurately noting:
▪ What, where and when?
▪ Descriptions and possible sketches of physical injuries
▪ Explanations of injuries using direct quotations if appropriate
▪ In order to ensure confidentiality, the registration number of the child, the date on which the observation was recorded, the observation and the teacher’s signature will be entered in the notebook. Sign and date the record. Retain the record securely
∙ Whether cases of abuse/neglect are suspected or confirmed, confidentiality will be respected. The information on individual cases will be restricted to the teacher(s) immediately involved with the child and will be on a need-to-know basis.
∙ The DLP will record the incident. It is not the function of the teacher or the DLP to investigate the issue.
∙ If the suspected abuser is the DLP then the suspicion and any records will be passed on to the Chairperson who will proceed as per guidelines.
∙ The Chairperson of the Board of Managements will be informed of the disclosure.
∙ Informal contact with the designated person in the Western Health Board will be made, seeking advice as to whether a referral should be made. The DLP will be explicit that s/he is requesting advice and not making a report. It is not necessary at this stage for the DLP to disclose his/her name or the name of the school.
∙ The advice given by the Health Board must be acted upon.
∙ If the advice is not to refer, the DLP will record this advice as the reason for non-referral. The chairperson of the Board of Management will be informed.
∙ If the advice from the Health Board is to refer the case, the DLP will do so. However, prior to referring, the DLP will inform the parent of her intention to refer, unless this course of action is injurious to the child.
∙ Following referral and the completion of the standard form, the school will have no further part to play in the investigation.
∙ If a case conference is required, the DLP will be invited to attend.
All records will be held in a central, securely locked location.
Allegations against an employee:
∙ Procedures followed are similar to those of a disclosure
∙ Employee is made aware of the allegation against him/her
∙ Employee will be given the opportunity to respond to the allegation in writing and at a meeting of the Board of Management
∙ BOM meeting to review the allegation, giving due consideration to any advice given by Health Board and Gardaí
∙ The BOM will consider placing the employee on administrative leave, with full pay, pending the outcome of investigations by the Health Board and Gardaí.
∙ On conclusion of any investigation the BOM will then determine the employment status of the employee.
Organisational Implications and Prevention of Child Abuse
∙ The Board will ensure that appropriate and ongoing training as necessary will be available for the DLP and deputy DLP.
∙ The Board fully endorses arrangements for the vetting of teaching and non-teaching staff as outlined in Circular 0094/2006 from the Department of Education and Science.
∙ Recognising the safety and well-being of children attending the school is a priority and the Board undertakes to include (a) Child Protection and (b) Health and Safety matters as items on the agenda of all Board of Management meetings and staff meetings.
∙ The Board will ensure that all school staff, teaching and non-teaching, are aware of their obligations under the guidelines detailed in “Children First” and the procedures to be followed in the event of concern.
∙ The Board recognises that it has two duties of care. The primary duty is the protection, safety and welfare of the pupils attending Ballyshannon National School. The Board as an employer, also has duties and responsibilities towards its employees.
∙ As an employer the Board may seek legal advice if an allegation of abuse is made against a school employee.
∙ The Board will adhere to the protocol outlined in “Child Protection Guidelines and Procedures, Department of Education and Science, 2001 under Chapter 4: “Allegations or Suspicions of Child Abuse by School Employees”, to authorise any actions required to protect children in its care. The Board notes that school employees may be subject to erroneous or malicious allegations. Any allegation of abuse should be dealt with sensitively. The employee should be treated fairly, which includes the right not to be judged in advance of a full and fair enquiry. The Board accepts that the principles of natural justice and fair procedures must be adhered to.
∙ The Board believes that the academic, personal and social development of children flourishes in a culture where good relationships are encouraged, people feel valued and respected and appropriate support is available for those in difficulty.
∙ All pupils in the school will be made aware that there are adults in the school whom they can approach if they are worried. Opportunities will be included in the curriculum through the S.P.H.E. programme and anti-bullying policy for children to develop the skills they need to keep them safe. Ballyshannon National School teaches the “Stay Safe” programme to all pupils.
∙ The Board of Management undertakes to circulate this policy to parents at the time of enrolment of pupils. This policy statement and “Children First” will also be available for parents to examine at the school office.
∙ This policy statement regarding Child Protection at Ballyshannon National School applies to all staff, members of the Board of Management, volunteers and contractors working in our school. It is Ballyshannon National School policy that all adults interested in working with children in a voluntary capacity in the school must be subject to Garda Vetting. Application forms for this are available from the school office.
∙ This policy statement will be reviewed annually.
School supervision policy and routines will be followed by all staff to ensure that there is comprehensive supervision of children at all breaks.
Children are to be encouraged at all times to play co-operatively and inappropriate behaviour will be addressed under our Code of Behaviour. If an incident occurs which we consider to be of a sexualised nature we will notify the DLP who will record it and respond to it appropriately.
Teachers will ensure that children are visible in the school yard. Children will not be allowed to spend time in classrooms, toilets or sheds where they would not be under adult supervision. They are not to leave the school yard or to engage with adults who are outside of the school yard.
Teachers on yard duty will be aware of visitors entering the school yard and will ascertain their intentions. They will be supervised in the discharge of their business. All school entrance/exit doors are locked after the children enter the school. Visitors cannot enter the school without contacting the office by using the bell and intercom (fitted at the two main entrance doors) and giving their reason for entry.
Children will travel to the swimming pool under the teacher’s direction. All adults assisting with supervision in the changing rooms will act in ‘loco parentis’ and as such will act as prudent parents helping children to return to school as dry as possible.
Children travelling in staff cars
Teachers will not carry children alone in their cars. At least two children must travel with the teacher in the car or another adult and child.
Induction of Teachers and Ancillary Staff
The DLP will be responsible for informing all new teachers and ancillary staff of this policy and the Children First Guidelines
Dealing with children on a one-to-one basis
If a staff member/visiting professional such as Speech and Language therapist/ Occupational therapist has to work/deal/communicate with children on a one-to-one basis, they are requested to leave the classroom door open if there is not a glass partition fitted on the door.
With regards to child protection, we will pay particular attention to trends in non-attendance. We will also monitor non-attendance in correlation with signs of neglect/ physical/ emotional abuse.
Toileting Accidents
Adults working with children with intimate care needs will always make sure that any physical contact is for the purpose of meeting the needs of the child. Adults will always respect the dignity of the child.
Staff will always ensure that any DVD shown to the children is age appropriate. Ballyshannon National School is a primary school and as such the following are the only DVDs that should be shown to children:
General Viewing (G)
Parental Guidance (PG)
12 A (for children who are twelve years old with adult supervision)
No DVDs rated as suitable for 15-year-olds, 18-year-olds or adults will be shown to the children.